Friday, March 30, 2007

Week 4 Weigh In -- 343.2/336.4

Told you I was retaining a lot of water last week! I've changed weigh-in day to Friday because my weekends tend to be hectic and unpredictable and I can't really create a weigh-in routine (i.e. same time of day, etc.) on Saturdays. So Friday it is, and Friday it shall stay. Except for next week because I am on vacation at my mom's. I will weigh in on Wednesday before I leave and again on Monday night when I get back, just so I know. ;)

I am very excited about a loss this big, though in my heart I know it is probably at least 50% water. I just want to be able to do 2 pounds a week, consistently. Anything more than that is gravy. I guess my doctor was right -- I really do need to do the hour-long sessions of cardio to make my metabolism stay revved up.

However, no cardio for me today or yesterday because I am super duper sick with the head cold from hell. I worked out on Wednesday, and by that afternoon, I thought I was going to croak. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow and at least be able to go out for a walk.

Happy weekend!

1 comment:

Abi said...

Congrats! That is one great week!